Surya Luna
Helping you find your balance
As a RYT200 Yoga Alliance Professionals accredited Adult Yoga Teacher and RYT60 Children's Yoga Teacher, my goal is to help your mind and body connect and develop through the practice of yoga. I also hold a current PVG certificate for working with children and young people.
I offer both vinyasa flow and restorative yoga classes, as well as classes suitable for children. I am also available for one to one sessions focusing on yoga for complete relaxation and stress relief.
I am also trained in a number of other holistic therapies, including massage and aromatherapy, and integrate these into my yoga sessions as well as offering them as treatments in their own right.
During my aromatherapy training I developed an interest in creating my own skin care and body care products. I wanted to get away from commercially made cosmetics which are often full of synthetic fragrances, preservatives and other ingredients which are potentially harmful to ourselves and our environment, as well as contributing to the global plastic waste problem. After many months of research and development, Surya Luna Naturals was created with its first ranges of soaps, shampoo and conditioner bars.
Setting up Surya Luna has allowed me to follow my dream and draw together the elements in life that I am truly passionate about. I chose the name Surya Luna (Surya is Sanskrit for sun, and Luna is Latin for moon) to reflect my aim of trying to create balance - balance between work and rest, balance between movement and stillness, balance between us and our world. When we are in balance, we have a greater sense of well-being, both mentally and physically. Through Surya Luna I hope to help others find their way to well-being and to be the best version of themselves that they can be, living with an open heart and an awareness of our oneness with everything and everyone.
None of this would have been possible without the goodwill and support of family and friends who have been more than willing to allow me to hone my teaching and massage skills on them, as well as test out my skin and hair care ranges. I couldn't have done any of this without you!

Meet the Rest of the Team
It's a family affair at Surya Luna!
Claire is not only the most amazing and supportive sister that you could wish for, she is also my best friend and business partner.
She takes care of the financial side of things, can usually be found with me behind the stall at markets, and can be relied upon to keep me sane when it's all getting a little bit bonkers!

Katie and Ellie
My two beautiful daughters can also sometimes be found helping out at busy markets when their studies allow them time away.

Colin and Ian
We also couldn't do without our fantastic support team!
Always there to keep us motivated, dish out cuddles and words of wisdom when we're feeling low, help humph heavy items to and from markets and supply endless cups of tea while we're working hard to build up Surya Luna and turn the dream into reality.
We love you to the moon and back!